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Electronic Design Studio
Partner Design Microchip Technology

Hardware & Software
Home automation
Technical Consulting and TeleAssistance
All projects are customized
and made to measure.

We believe in technology that simplifies life.
We make devices that make everyday gestures easier.
Our concept of home automation is supported and made possible by the customized standard, which allows the automated and decentralized management of technological systems of all types and sizes.

All peripherals are strictly wired. All our home automation devices "ARE NOT IN WI-FI" We offer guarantee, maximum safety and reliability, in any adversity. The control units communicate on the local network via LAN cable (TCP/IP), explained in detail in our FAQ.

We support and follow all the installers in all phases, from the system design to the final testing.

We create Multimedia Home Automation Systems for Condominiums, Public Premises, Commercial Activities, Companies, Apartments, Villas, Hotels, Cruise Ships,

Automation for prototypes, industrial automation from small to large companies. We create anti theft and anti-fire security systems. We create control units for monitoring the temperature, humidity, air quality of small and large food distributions.

There are people who dedicate their lives to doing something useful for the environment, for solidarity, for art, for culture, for music, for people in general, we lend a hand, creating smart homes.
Our aim is to allow anyone to make their life more comfortable by automating their home.
Grasso Automation & Factory, the factory of ideas.

Now relax, make yourself comfortable and enjoy this compilation of demonstration videos, they will help you understand all the potential of a SMART_HOME home automation system.